WhatsApp Multi-Agent Joomla Module is a lightweight and easy-to-use WhatsApp chat widget that enables you to display a list of support agents inside a floating widget. It allows your web visitors to initiate a chat directly with the support agent through the WhatsApp app.


  • Multi-agent support: Add multiple phone numbers and customer service agents.
  • Receive messages from your customers even during your support agent's offline hours. A mail contact form will be displayed when all agents are offline.
  • Manage all of your customer service working shifts by setting their working hours/duration.
  • No boring greeting messages. Set a personalized greeting message to your visitors based on defined date and time, as well as the page they are visiting.
  • Responsive design that is compatible with all mobile devices.
  • Personalize the widget by changing the color theme, header image, animation type, etc.

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